Olympics Live Online

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Petrol Cocktail

I was at the Shell Petrol station earlier when I saw this man drove up his BMW to the pump next to mine. Normally you would just tell the guy to fill up with a particular grade of fuel. But no, not this BMW dude. He told the attendant he wants $30 of V-Power, $30 of Shell 98 and top up with Shell 92. Then he told the attendant in Mandarin what must be the most amusing request of the century ......

" uncle, must shake a bit as you pump ok? "

My cheeks were vibrating so furiously that I had to clamp my jaws and try not to laugh at his face. And my slightly warped mind would be thinking, was he refering to the car or the attendant?? Interestingly, the pump attendant knew what he was talking about and did exactly what was told. I could not resist the temptation to ask if this BMW guy is the only one who treats his car to this special petrol cocktail. Not many, the attendant said, but mostly people with big cars!

So thats the secret of the rich and famous. Expensive on the outside but cheap on the inside .... No wonder I can cannot afford a BMW, cos I have been feeding my car with that V-Power all the way!!! With all the traffic lights every fifty metres and jam on the roads, the best petrol would not make a difference to your driving pleasure. Clever!!! I should have asked the BMW driver for his number, then maybe I could have an insight to his lifestyle and see if he applies the same formula to his bungalow, his girlfriend and work.

I guess we really enjoy mixing things, we are a mixing group of people and it's really in our culture. We mix drinks, music, fruit juices, petrol, noodles, coffee with tea, algebra with abacus, French fries with Mayonnaise, Chinese woman with Indian man etc ....


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