The Police Tent

The police tent is an indication that the police don't really understand the meaning of death. If the person is not breathing, there is no need to put him in a camping tent. He is not having a beach barbeque later, and he won't be too concerned about getting a sun tan, so why put him under shade? I still like the tradional white cloth, it's cheaper and more functional. At least we know there is something gross underneath. With a tent, you are just going to invite peeping toms. (Don't believe, try camping at the East Coast Park, you are going to have torches shining in every half hour ..)
Since we are on the subject of police, why is it that they have to keep repeating that "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to a lawyer, and to have a lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense. " ???
What kind of legal advice is that???
The policeman not only has to chase after the guy in their high heel boots and starched uniforms, trip over rubbish bins, run across traffic laden roads .. and when he finally catches up to the point of arrresting him, he has to provide legal counselling at that very moment. It's tiring enough just to type it out, but the police have to recite it cos it's stated in their employment terms and salary package. But do they have to tell that to everyone they arrest? What if the criminal says "Hi, but your breath stinks", would that be used against him in court ? Or what if he is deaf and dumb and he has been silent all his life?
To me, if you want to say something, say something sensible and say things which the common people can understand. " Hands up, you are under arrest. I have a gun so don't move or I will shoot your ass. You are going to be in court anyway so save your breath for the judge. You will be nailed by the public procecutor, so really, don't bother saying anything. If you cannot afford a lawyer, save some money to buy some sponge board instead cos we are giving you the cane every 2 weeks. "
Wouldnt this be better advice?
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